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Media Release

Commander In Chief Commemorates Infantry Day

June 23, 2021

His Excellency, Major-General (Ret’d) Jioji Konrote in his capacity as the President, Commander in Chief and Colonel of the 1st Infantry Regiment, addressed members of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) past and present in commemoration of Infantry Day.

His Excellency commended the RFMF for their tireless efforts in assisting members of the Medical and Health fraternity, civil societies and members of the public during this COVID-19 response effort.

His Excellency’s message was also one of endearment for the members of the Fiji Police Force who have worked tenaciously during these times; and Fijians serving in the military in the United Kingdom, the United States as well as other parts of the world contributing to the maintenance and preservation of world peace.

Infantry Day is also a day of remembrance for fallen soldiers who sacrificed their lives to save their comrades. In particular, 77 years ago the late Corporal Sefanaia Sukanaivalu sacrificed his life to save that of members of his regiment in the Solomons. His Excellency also remembered servicemen and women who were stationed in war zones and war-torn countries.

Staying true to the very essence of an infantry, His Excellency with his retinue of Close Protection officers marched within the State House property in conforming with COVID restrictions and to pay homage to the efforts of the members of Fijian soldiers both past and present, in particular those who sacrificed for our country in the 1st and 2nd World Wars, in Lebanon, Sinai, Iraq and Golan Heights.

President Konrote called on the nation to continue to stay fit, conform to the Government’s COVID-19 directives and support the initiative of backyard gardening to promote and advocate for food security and sustainability for all Fijians.

In addition, the message of benevolence was conveyed on behalf of the Colonel of the Regiment for the RFMF, former President and current Speaker of Parliament, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau and Colonel of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, Brigadier-General (Ret’d) Apakuki Kurusiga.